This resource guide provides a brief listing of those topics available for presentations.
Pre-School Level: Children in this early development stage can learn rules about touching, stranger awareness, bullying and gun safety rules.
Elementary Level: Topics for this age group include: personal safety, rules about touching, stranger awareness, bullying, anger management, recognizing sexual abuse, diversity, school violence, Internet safety and gun safety.
Middle School Level: Participants in this age level can select from these topics: recognizing sexual abuse, bullying, anger mangement, sexual harassment, building healthy relationships, diversity, school violence, sexting,Internet safety and conflict resolution without violence.
Secondary Level: Programs in this age group include: dating violence, date and acquaintance rape, date rape drugs, sexual harassment, diversity, anger management, peer-on-peer harassment, building healthy relationships, Internet safety, sexting, school violence, conflict resolution without violence, stalking, confronting drunk driving and gun safety.
A more detailed breakdown of pre-K through 12 prevention education programs coming soon!
Post Secondary Level: Areas that can be addressed for this audience include: sexual harassment, date and aquaintance rape, date rape drugs, diversity, stalking, anger mangement, Internet safety, sexting, mandated reporting, confronting drunk driving and children and divorce.
Professional Trainings: Trainings and workshops can be conducted for direct service providers, teachers and other professionals in the community on these topics: mandated reporting, anger mangement, sexual harassment, stalking, signs of victimization and the effects of abuse, elder abuse, diversity, school violence, and children and divorce.
Community Organizations: Any civic organization, church group or service club may also request programs from any of the available topics. Speakers will accommodate meeting times and schedules if necessary.
We also attend community wide events to help raise awareness. If your organization or community are hosting events, please let us know we would love to come set up a table.