Whether you were assaulted yesterday or decades ago, the Crime Victims’ Center’s Counselors are here to support you. We serve survivors of any identity or age, as well as their loved ones, and strive to create a safe, healing, and welcoming environment. Our counseling staff are degreed professionals with backgrounds in psychology and social work, with 25-plus years of experience each in this field – specializing in sexual assault, grief and loss, child physical abuse, and other crimes. Our primary goal is to assist the client in developing or enhancing their coping skills to better handle future problems. In addition, the counseling/therapy staff strives to empower and foster independence for all clients. Crisis intervention, short and long term counseling, and therapy are available to better serve each and every victim’s needs.
All of our counseling/therapy services are completely free and totally confidential. The client does not need to have filed a police report or be seeking prosecution. Our highly trained counselors will work with you and/or your loved ones to design a recovery plan that will work specifically for you. Please call our office (724.438.1470) if these services would be helpful to you or someone you love.

We have counselors who focus on children, ages 4 -18 who are victims of child sexual and physical assault, suffering grief, or have a family member who has been a victim of gun violence or homicide. Our counselors will work with children and teens in their school settings if transportation is an issue.
Other counselors have a primary focus in working with adult victims of childhood and adult sexual assault, grief and loss, homicide survivors, and other crimes. The goal is to help the clients have better self-esteem and to be empowered in managing their feelings as they move forward.

The Crime Victims’ Center participates in PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act), working with incarcerated individuals who are victims of sexual assault. PREA clients can be from Fayette County Prison and SCI Fayette. Our counselors encourage the victims to talk about their feelings surrounding their past or current victimizations, as well as teaching healthy coping skills to manage those feelings. If you know of someone who is incarcerated and has been a victim of sexual assault, please encourage them to file a PREA complaint within that facility so they can reach out to get the counseling they may need.